From donation drives to volunteer opportunities, here’s where to catch up on the latest from our partner locations around the world!

All Ears No. 24
During this global COVID-19 pandemic, we have all experienced many changes in our lives. We hope that you are finding new ways to stay in touch and are not feeling disconnected.

Fiji Update
During this trip we began FM Training for the staff and fitting of the FM devices. These are devices a child with a hearing aid can use in addition to their hearing aid to allow a child to hear the teacher clearer.

Fiji Update
After finally getting my work permit I was able to leave and get to Fiji. I arrived in time for the annual wheelbarrow race and to see our partner organization Frank Hilton Organisation raise much needed funds for the all the work that they are doing.

Papua New Guinea Update
Desmond and Jane are incredibly busy people who have added studying the Diploma in Audiometry through TAFE to their already full lives. We are supporting them by providing practical training and workplace supervision for them during this time.

Papua New Guinea Update
Volunteer Paul Flynn from Victoria will be flying up to Port Moresby to meet with 8 staff from Callan, including the audiometry students Jane and Desmond, in order to run training in equipment calibration and servicing.

Papua New Guinea Update
We have finally managed to enroll both students from Papua New Guinea in the TAFE NSW Diploma of Audiometry. These two students are Community Health Workers who currently train others in the PNG for Primary eye and ear health care.

Papua New Guinea Update
Earlier this year I wrote a grant application for Hear the World, a corporate nonprofit foundation founded by Sonova working towards equal opportunities and better quality of life for people with hearing loss. We have now been told we received this grant. This grant will help to cover costs for me and other volunteers to visit Papua New Guinea (PNG) for supervision of the students over the next 2 years.

Fiji Update
Project Heaven has worked for many years conducting ear and eye screening in Fiji. The ENT in Fiji has asked for me to train some of their workers in full diagnostic audiometry for them to be able to fully assess adult clients and expand the services available in their clinic.

Fiji Update
This trip was an opportunity to conduct more parent and teacher training and making classroom visits for all the children who we have fitted with hearing aids in the Hilton Special School in Suva.

Fiji Update
We began an ambitious screening project last May to assess all of the children in special schools in Fiji. We have also found several children with mild or moderate hearing losses who were previously classified as speech delayed or learning disabled.

Fiji Update
We have completed all the screening visits to the special schools on the two main islands of Fiji and we are now in the process of fitting all the children who have a permanent hearing loss with hearing aids.